Category Archives: Videoshow: Meet the Manufacturers

Meet the Manufacturers, episode 1: General Metal Engraving

I’m thrilled to introduce the first episode of Meet the Manufacturers, my new video show.  In this series, I highlight manufacturers with personal interviews.  We also include demonstrations of their products and processes.

In this first episode, I visit General Metal Engraving in South El Monte, California . I hope you enjoy the video.

NH: Hello, everybody, and welcome to the first episode of Meet the Manufacturers. I’m Nate Hurvitz, with And today, we’re in South El Monte, California, at General Metal Engraving. And you, sir, if you would introduce yourself?

GK: My name is Garrik Kumjian. I’m the Operations Manager here at General Metal Engraving.

NH: Great! Can you tell us a little about what your company does, and what your products and services are?

GK: Sure, at General Metal Engraving, we manufacture rotary die cutters. Rotary dies are used in industrial printing presses to cut out paper, foil, and film into custom shapes.