Meet the Manufacturers, episode 1: General Metal Engraving

We are always looking for challenges, and the challenges also find us.

NH: The web, again, is just the long roll of paper that weaves through the machine. They call that the web, a web process?

GK: Yes. That’s the roll of material going through the machine.

NH: Do you have any parting comments that you would like to add?

GK: Yes. Although we are known as the innovators, and we’re able to solve a lot of problems in the industry that others cannot, we’re still quite competitively priced when it comes to regular tooling, regular circle dies, regular rectangle dies, because we’re pretty lean here. When you call, you speak directly to the production manager, and he’ll tell you right away what the status of your job is. If you need to have changes made, you speak directly to the die designer.

NH: So they get right to the knowledgeable people immediately.

GK: Right.

NH: Well, thank you very much, Garrik! This has been an episode of Meet the Manufacturers. Thank you very much for joining us, everyone. I’m Nate Hurvitz with, and I’ll see you soon.