Consumer Electronics Show 2014

Consumer Electronics Show 2014

Las Vegas, Nevada, January 7-10, 2014

The Consumer Electronics Show is coming up January 7-10, 2014, in Las Vegas, Nevada.  This is my first time in over 10 years since I’ve had a chance to attend, so I’m excited to be going to it next week.

For those who aren’t familiar with it, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is the biggest global consumer electronics and technology show of the year, with over 3200 exhibitors.  It is beyond enormous.

Virtually every electronics company that you’ve heard of, and many more that you haven’t heard of, will be there showing their latest gadgets, devices, and technologies.  Suppliers, distributors, and anyone else affiliated with consumer electronics will be exhibiting too.

There is also a Who’s Who list of top level speakers from many of the tech giants.  Speakers include Kazuo Hirai, President and CEO of SonyMarissa Mayer, President and CEO of Yahoo!, and Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter, and the list goes on.

See you in Vegas!

Welcome to Manufacturing Unlimited!

Nathan Hurvitz

Nathan Hurvitz

This is the inaugural post for my new blog,
Manufacturing Unlimited


Whether it’s high tech product manufacturing, supply chain news, quality and lean initiatives, or anything related, in and around Southern California and the United States, these are my interests and what my focus will be.

Thank you for visiting!